just discovered i'm an artist, not a writer, but do it anyway

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's amazing how much you grow to rely on your right arm

Well slowly getting better, it's amazing how much you grow to rely on your right arm. I went to the doctor in August because of a reoccurring sharp pain I was experiencing. I'd thought it was my rotator or my shoulder. The doctor gave me two weeks worth of muscle relaxant an anti inflammatory. This combo was good for about three days when I realized this put my digestive system in hibernation mode. I literally didn't use the bathroom (#2) for almost 4 days. Dude it sucked, I was bloated and got heart burn. I didn't realize this was related to the medication.

In an effort to "get things moving again I ate a box of fiber bars, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 large French press worth of strong coffee, half a bag of walnuts, and three laxative tablets. All of this in a six hour period. The result was nothing.

So I stopped the meds and in about a day my system kicked back in with a vengeance initially but then all my digestive related issues returned to normal.

Doc said it's actually the deltoid muscle and suggested not using it. Which makes sense but it's easier said than done. Any time you wash your hair, scratch your head, use a computer, or put on a shirt, you use some part of your deltoid muscle. Im going to nerd some serious yoga action to get back to normal. I was most horrified when I attempted to play guitar and realized a restricted range of motion. I can tell I'm not going to handle that whole "getting old" process. This is the longest heal time that didn't involve a broken bone. No worries, the recovery is noticeable but slow.