just discovered i'm an artist, not a writer, but do it anyway

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Strong and Thoughtless

ah'gain, I watch, we fade
                                      softly to white

awake here, so far from
where you are hon (ey)
we could try to be
strong and thoughtless

     In my imagination... is where you are at your best.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dream #112110:

I was visiting a home shared by an artist and a promoter that appeared to live in Seattle. they were planning a big house party style event and i think they were interviewing me as a possible band or performance artist. the sky was orange and the experience had a "dark" overtone to it.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I Like This

Just as the acorn existed within the oak,
even when the oak was a seedling;
and as the oak existed within the earth,
even before there were trees;
and as the earth existed within the galaxy,
even before there were planets... there has never been a time, dear sweet one,
when you did not exist within me...
during which we dreamed all else into being.