I’ve been bouncing back and forth from resident evil 1, 2, 3, 4, veronica X, and zero. So when I get stuck on one I go play the other. I’ve been stuck on the first resident evil task of finding the armor key and made this discovery last night by a fluke session of goofing off. To find the armor key you go to the stained glass window on the second floor on the outside of the mansion and blow the dog whistle, which will call the dogs. You need to kill the dogs and collect a dog collar. After examining the dog collar a coin pops out. Then examine the coin and it morphs the unusable “imitation key”. Next I had to go back to the room with the ever so tempting “mansion key” ….this is the room with the two knight statues that are holding spiked shields. At any rate…you pick up the “mansion key” off the floor booby trap mount. This will trigger the trap where the walls close in and the knight statue comes rolling around the corner ready to squash you with his spike shield. Don’t panic; simply replace the mansion key with the imitation key. Swapping the keys will un-trigger the trap. Last examine the newly acquired mansion key and it will morph into …yes you guessed it ….THE ARMOR KEY. This took me three tries to get right cause all the zombies that did not disappear after being shot start coming back to party again.