just discovered i'm an artist, not a writer, but do it anyway

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Resurrection of Dredillah with Kaoss

I've been toying with the idea of my drum & bass side project a lot. mostly i build the songs in my head, i can envision the over all theme of the music. Dredillah will be high energy for sure with minimal guitars. Drum machines, synthesizers and samples mostly. It seems strange talking (writing) about this in the 3rd person. It also feels like a part of me that was never explored to it's fullest extent. I think I'll avoid actual song structure and follow more of a build up, break, mellow out, build up, go nuts sort of formula if there is such a thing. i have a slight habit of starting things and then not finishing them but i can feel that this will be different. There have been three un-released albums (roughly 6 songs each) worth of Dredillah material in the past, but i think this was because i didn't really have a fully thought out vision in terms of direction.  

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just finished mixing new Dredillah tracks

Dream # 122710

Crazy dream with magic, spells, nudity and cooking fish. Been craving fish sticks in the worst possible way lately.  I think eating after 10PM may need to stop. what is it with nudity and dreams ? As usual it felt like days, even months had gone by, i must have a a very fully stocked dream life. I think i was in Texas, or some other southern state. i was in an apartment and it was early morning. The sun had not come up yet. we were talking like we were reviewing some sort of plan. There was an overtone of sadness the whole time, like something wasn't quite right about the way things were transpiring.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thursday, December 09, 2010

I think...

The body is an exact reflection of the balance of your thoughts

Monday, December 06, 2010

Dream #120410:

..dreamed my foot, only some toes, were deformed....i remember looking at it wondering how it could have happened. at the same time it seemed like it always was this way. i'm reall glad i woke up.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Dream #11252010:

Dreamed coworker and I were attempting to escape a hostage situation. i thought it was strange that when i said i was going to make a break for the doorway she said, you really need to lay down some suppressing fire. i couldn't figure out if we were in a school or hospital but the environment seemed academic in many ways.

Dream #12012010: Next Time

An EMT in orange vest helps three women. dont really know where we were but it looked like a crash of some kind, it was dark, maybe around 1AM-ish. one EMT and myself were trying to open the car door to let the person on the inside out. she was screaming and the male co-passanger was completely knocked out or passed out. None of it really seemed real. every now and then there were trumptes and strange under water type noises in the background. Voices singing something about burning everything you know and a repeating part that went "next time, next time, next time, next time" I may make this into a glitter assassin song

Monday, November 22, 2010

Strong and Thoughtless

ah'gain, I watch, we fade
                                      softly to white

awake here, so far from
where you are hon (ey)
we could try to be
strong and thoughtless

     In my imagination... is where you are at your best.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dream #112110:

I was visiting a home shared by an artist and a promoter that appeared to live in Seattle. they were planning a big house party style event and i think they were interviewing me as a possible band or performance artist. the sky was orange and the experience had a "dark" overtone to it.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I Like This

Just as the acorn existed within the oak,
even when the oak was a seedling;
and as the oak existed within the earth,
even before there were trees;
and as the earth existed within the galaxy,
even before there were planets... there has never been a time, dear sweet one,
when you did not exist within me...
during which we dreamed all else into being.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dream #102210:

I was taking pictures, i was looking at an overexposed photo. the picture was taken from across a rooftop. it seemed like the world was ending.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When things look bad it's hard to remember that it's never as bad as it seems.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I forgot how much I love "the bends" from radiohead, thanks Amanda Palmer.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Aren’t you glad?

Isn’t it nice to know that you don’t have to live the rest of your life....... to make them happy?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ever go to sleep wishing that when you wake up you'll be somewhere different?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Monday, September 06, 2010

Fun Quote

There is no time or distance that separates us, only focus.
Somehow I caught a cold, I can't breathe with out making a nasal noise.

Dream # 08062010

Was about to read a poem and then the world was destroyed. The scenery was very mad max. Everything I knew was destroyed. I ended up wandering around for months along with 3 other people. We were looking for food and shelter. We ended up getting captured and enslaved by some gang but eventually escaped. As the gang was chasing us during our escape they sprayed some sort of pepper spray in my face and I woke up coughing, with a dry throat.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Dream # 08042010

I located and moved into a apartment on the west coast. Was alone but seemed to make new friends quickly. It felt like two weeks. I went for a bike ride and then woke up back here, on the couch.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I just heard that the train in front of my train hit someone and to expect a long delay, so I opened up my police scanner app, clicked the "allow location" and listened in. I'm amazed at the level of detail they give on the air. Hopefully this wait won't be too long. Hearing about neighbor disputes is not as much fun as you would think. This sort of thing makes me ponder death, it is one of my favorite subjects....blah blah blah. Big sigh... Late again :-/

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Dream: Tina and the Library

I had this very detailed dream, the focus seemed to be a female named Tina. At first I seemed to be in an office setting, except the lighting was very dim. Tina seemed to work in the garage fixing machines of all kinds. I would pass a male receptionist on my way to Tina's garage. I remember reacting to her in ways that were not "me" at one point I'd looked in the mirror and saw some one else looking back at me. My only other office mate that I was on speaking terms with was a male named Kevin. He was very creative and had tons of very decorative pieces covering his desk and walls. Kevin never called Tina by her name, he would always refer to her as the "snow colored girl" ... I remember thinking this was strange and wondered about it a while. Tina's parents would come to visit her and she somehow anticipated this and would hide from them by going for long walks or breaks. On some of the breaks she would come find me and ask me to accompany her. I always went with her on breaks. Sometimes we would do what seemed like drugs or drink from her flask. We would sometimes talk about what it might feel like for two people to die together, perhaps by freezing....at exactly the same time. This dream seemed to take a few months. I don't ever recall going home or anywhere other than reception, kevins area, or Tina's garage. Twards the end, closer to my wake I think, Tina started to become more attractive and I felt more drawn to her. I was fascinated with her and looked forward to our walks. Sometimes she would talk about being in a different place when she wakes up, but when I asked about this something would always intrupt. At one point her parents were talking to the receptionist and shortly after that Kevin disappeared, along with a lot, but not all of his art. Once, after Kevin had left, there were a lot of lights on in the office space I remember asking if she knew anything about why there were so many bright lights on and if she had noticed. She said that  she was "painfully aware of light" Tina's parents didn't seem to like me and seemed to be constant complainers. Before I woke up Tina and I were under a truck taking apart some sort of wiring and housing. Something hit my head and I woke up with the worst headache I've had in a long time. The top part of my nose where my eye socket and nose is actually still sore.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

All of my knowledge is slowly making a pilgrimage to my phone.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's finally happened, I have set up a meeting to discuss another meeting. I've joked about this before and never thought it could happen to me. Time to start joking about better things. I wonder if this is a sign :-/

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Had one of those amazingly realistic dreams again. In the dream, was a friend who has a family member that plays in a band. The band was on tour and I ended up hanging out with everybody. Not super unusual but very detailed, there were even smells. I hadn't seen this person in a while so it was good to catch up

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

I don't have a huge number of real friends, but the friends I do have are friends in the truest sense of the word. They have my back and know the real me and accept me as I am. I'm extremely thankful for my friends.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I found a notebook of lyrics while cleaning, I'd written the music and located the matching song files. Now I'm stuck with a sort of disconnected feeling. My art has gone through light years of changes. I can honestly say I'm a completly different person than the one who wrote the material in 2007.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm fairly sure that the big heated discussion from last night resulted in my zombie apocalypse dream. The dream was like a mix of Saturday night live mixed with left for dead 2.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is my 1st hair cut of this year. Going to a new stylist, hope everything works out, feels funny not having my hair cut by my voodoo priestess stylist :-/

Friday, February 12, 2010

What would you do if you discovered proof that you paid a hypnotist to implant suggestions that where key words and would act as mental triggers. The suggestions were designed to guide or steer you away from specific thoughts or memories.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I first started having reoccurring dreams of a land mass surrounded by water when I was about 8 years old. I lived with my mother and step father in California at the time of the 1st dream. On that land mass is a village. In the dream I always seemed to visit at night. The village is also surrounded by water, like a moat. The village can be accessed by a few different bridges. The village has a very medieval look and feel in terms of architecture. In the village is a female named Saffron. I don’t recall seeing any other inhabitants other than Saffron. I’ve never been sure if this takes place on my earth, or not. I do recall seeing some animals, but they were a little different than our animals, like hairless cats. And they seem to have an understanding with these creatures. During our 1st few visits I noticed that although she does not speak English we seem to be able to communicate anyway. Saffron and I would have great conversations and would share experiences and knowledge about our lives, worlds, death and theories. Our relationship is plutonic although we have kissed. Their concept of sex seems very different than ours. I believe the name of the land mass or town is “luminary” or some form of whatever the word light or glow translates to in Saffron’s language. As I got older the reoccurring was not as often as I’d like. Even though I’d visit in dreams it seemed like I had a day’s worth of memories upon waking. We seem to age in sync with each other, when I was a kid she would appear as a kid, as I got older, she would also age. Ironically, from my prospective she seems to exist in the past but Saffron thinks I am the one who is exists in the past. Oddly we never have been able to figure out who is in the future or past. There are concepts that seem foreign to her, such as movies, planes, and automobiles. They doo have books, but they have a different name. They do seem to have some sort of advanced technology based on thought and crystals. They also have music but my attempts to play music for her failed miserably, likewise her music seems more like simple cycles of random harmonic frequencies. Religion is another topic that she seems to consider archaic. Saffron has explained several times that as my understanding progresses, the need to subscribe to a religion or religious group will no longer apply. Typically I can recall 80% of the Saffron dreams, I once asked about my lack of full memory retention. She explained that there is a “safety buffer” in place and it exists for my own good. Both Saffron and I believe these are not regular dreams but a form of communication. I once suggested to her that she may be part of my subconscious, Saffron was extremely insulted by this and fired off a rampage of reasons why this was not the case. It’s been a about a year or so since the last dream. Just thought I’d share.