The puppy has a bit of a barking issue. she would bark at birds, trees, clouds, planes, and even leaves when the wind blew them around. so I looked to the internet for a solution and behold the cure is ....get this.... an "anti bark citronella collar" in stores they start at about 100 bucks but I was able to find one on e-bay for 40 bucks. nice. you can see it in the picture. the collar is bark activated and sprays a citronella blast into here mouth area when she barks. it seems to be working....sort of
While in Denver for a recent conference, we went to the aquarium and there was a sting ray petting zoo. not only to they taste like chicken but the feel and smell like chicken too !
While in Denver for a recent conference, We found our way to golden Colorado. Proud home of the Coors brewing company. not only is the whole tour free but they give you three tall glasses of the beer of your choice after the tour ! so in the employee "wellness center" they have tappers....yes beer in the work out area nice huh ? they also have tappers in the cafeteria, at lunch or break every employee is allowed to drink two twelve ounce containers of beer. how cool is that ? if you are interested.